Author Archives: admin

Root Canal Treatment in Srikakulam

Taking care of your teeth is important, and sometimes that means getting a root canal. At V Dental Hospital in Srikakulam, we make this treatment as easy and pain-free as possible. Here’s everything you need to know about root canal treatment and how we can help you. What is Root Canal Treatment? A root canal treatment fixes a tooth that is badly infected or decayed. Inside each tooth is soft tissue called pulp, which can get infected by bacteria from cavities or injuries. A root canal cleans out this infection and saves your tooth. Signs You Might Need a Root Canal Tooth Pain: Severe, ongoing pain in your tooth. Sensitivity: Pain when eating or drinking something hot or cold. Tooth Darkening: A tooth that turns dark. Swollen Gums: Swelling or tenderness near the painful tooth. Pimple on Gums: A bump on your gums that keeps coming back. How We Do…

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diet affects dental health

Your diet plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy teeth and preventing dental problems. At V Dental Hospitals, we understand the importance of a balanced diet for your dental health. Here are some expert tips on how your diet affects your dental health and what you can do to keep your teeth healthy. 1. Eat a Balanced Diet Limit Sugary Foods and Drinks Sugar is a major contributor to tooth decay. Bacteria in your mouth feed on sugar and produce acids that can erode tooth enamel. Limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks, especially between meals. Choose Healthy Snacks Opt for healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and cheese. These foods can help protect your teeth by stimulating saliva production and neutralizing acids. Drink Plenty of Water Drinking water, especially fluoridated water, helps wash away food particles and bacteria, reducing the risk of cavities. It also keeps your mouth…

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control bed breath

How Do I Get Rid Of Bad Breath Bad breath also called as “Halitosis” Which is usually seen in most of the individuals having imperceptible smell in the exhaled breath. It can be noticed by the individuals or other person involved in a conversation. There are many causes which lead to bad breath, such as food, tobacco products, dry mouth, poor dental hygiene, medications, infections, nose & throat infections, some cancers, GERD. Halitosis cause psychological depression in the public. (Social life of an individual). Prevention: In an individual with halitosis, he\she has to change the life style like brushing after meal, flossing, cleaning tongue and drinking plenty of water. Using mouthwash, gums, and mints helps in fighting against bad breath, but these are temporary measures. Because they don’t treat the underlying cause. The Best advice is to take a look over the dentists who help in eradicating the root cause…

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Does Drinking More Water Protects Your Teeth Yes….! Drinking more water protects your teeth and keeps our teeth Healthy. Drinking water which contains fluorine plays a major role in making the teeth stronger by forming fluorapatite crystals, which is resistance to bacterial acids. Therefore there will be a prevention of forming cavities which harbour bacterial micro organisms. Frequent intake of water makes the tissues hydrated and helps in flushing of food particles which lodge between the teeth. Therefore there will be prevention of periodontal / Gum diseases. Water intake prevents formation of stains on the teeth which helps in whitening the teeth. Individuals with dry mouth, there is a decreased secretion of saliva which leads to bad breath due to accumulation of food particles between the teeth and also leads to increased formation of cavities. Drinking water helps in keeping your smile looking beautiful, because most of the foods which…

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V dental

How does Diabetes affect Oral Health Presence of high blood sugar level (Diabetes) is one of the causes for decreasing in life span and affects the quality of the individual. Diabetes has a strongest association with oral health which leads to severe periodontal problems. Periodontal disease is the 6th complication of the diabetes, which cause tissue destruction and bone resorption leads to weakening of the teeth. Periodontal disease in diabetic individual is more severe compared to normal individual. Diabetes has a higher risk of causing dry mouth, which leads to decrease in saliva production results in decay of large number of teeth and ulcers on the mucosa. Diabetes individuals are more prone to opportunities fungal infection like oral brush. Management\Prevention While managing \ preventing any oral disease in a diabetic individual the dentist should have a keen look over the blood sugar levels of the individual. At ‘V Dental Hospitals’…

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INTERACTION BETWEEN PATIENTS AND DENTIST Most of the patients avoid dental  appointments because of anxiety and fear and about their oral maintenance. So in the first appointment the dentist should mainly concern about patients anxiety and main concern about their dental treatment Healthy communication should be maintained for establishing positive relationship with the patient. So dentist should not directly jump into the treatment to reduce patients anxiety should initiate with the casual talk like asking patients name, age, family background, chief complaint and his/her expectation from dentist. History of his being to past dentist, medical conditions which exaggerate dental conditions. Dentist should maintain eye contact  while talking to patients, use body language to communicate. Summarize what the patient concern , reassure by follow up questions and present treatment options MAIN BASIC NEEDS: 1. Friendliness: Basic courtesy and politeness,being warm and caring should be there while dealing with the patient 2. Empathy The…

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Follow these Ten Principles, Get Your Teeths Solid & Healthy Brush properly twice every day (in the morning and before going to sleep at night). The brush should be replaced with a new one every two months. Do not brush for more than two or three minutes. Only soft or ultra soft brush should be used. Rinse the mouth thoroughly with water every time after eating. The mouth should be kept clean without food particles. Pin and tooth pick should not be used to remove food stuck between teeth. Only dental floss or intra-oral brushes should be used. Gargle the mouth frequently with hot water mixed with cristal salt and turmeric. This protects the gums and teeth from infection. A general check-up should be done with a dentist once every six months. Once every six months the plaque and calculus on the tooth should be removed by scaling process. When…

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Fixed Teeth in 3 Days within BASAL IMPLANTS at V Dental Hospital A 52 years female patient had come to “V Dental Hospitals” with some teeth in her mouth. So she is facing lot of problem in chewing food and asks for help to make her comfortable. Dr John (Managing Director) had checked and suggested for X-Rays (OPG and Lab Tests) followed by the treatment planning given by him was “Dental Basal Implants” with Full Mouth Rehabilitation. Treatment had continued as follows. 2. So V Dental Hospitals team of doctors had started the treatment with placement of BASAL IMPLANTS. 3. Finally teeth were delivered within 3 days after placing the BASAL IMPLANTS and patient is happy with her Full Mouth Teeth. 4. After 5 days the whole treatment is completed, the patient is ready to chew food just like a 20 years girl. Credits to Dr. Anita Madugula (Dental implantologist…

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USING TOOTHPICK… YES or NO People who have the habit of picking their teeth with a toothpick are at a higher risk of damaging their teeth and gums. Using a toothpick or pins to remove food stuck between the teeth can actually do more harm than good to your teeth. Using these toothpicks frequently leads to formation of gaps between the teeth. Then more and more food tends to accumulate in between the teeth which may further lead to bacterial overgrowth, thereby leading to formation of cavities, if not taken care of immediately, may grow and further damage the health of the teeth. Therefore a harsh habit of using a toothpick weakens the strength of the teeth. In some cases the healthy gums may get lacerated due to the use of these sharp objects further leading to gum problems. So what can we do instead of using toothpicks? Rinse the…

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PULPECTOMY Pulpectomy is a generally done in children It is performed to save the primary tooth and prevent infection to spread to the erupting permanent teeth This procedure is performed only if the patient has severe infection infecting the pulp caused due caries or trauma Caries is caused either due to improper oral hygiene (or) Trauma where child has an injury involving the tooth and has neglected causing the spread of infection In this process,canal contents are removed,irrigated and filled with medicament (formocresol/zinc oxide eugenol) Post treatment, the patient is put under medication with antibiotics and pain killer for 3-5days Extraction in children might cause space closure so that there would be no sufficient space for permanent teeth to erupt And                           This helps in preserving the milk teeth from extraction and maintain the shape of the dental arch              Hence,pulpectomy is a better option in children Our Network Vizag / Gajuwaka  / …

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