Tag Archives: Oral Health

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How does Diabetes affect Oral Health Presence of high blood sugar level (Diabetes) is one of the causes for decreasing in life span and affects the quality of the individual. Diabetes has a strongest association with oral health which leads to severe periodontal problems. Periodontal disease is the 6th complication of the diabetes, which cause tissue destruction and bone resorption leads to weakening of the teeth. Periodontal disease in diabetic individual is more severe compared to normal individual. Diabetes has a higher risk of causing dry mouth, which leads to decrease in saliva production results in decay of large number of teeth and ulcers on the mucosa. Diabetes individuals are more prone to opportunities fungal infection like oral brush. Management\Prevention While managing \ preventing any oral disease in a diabetic individual the dentist should have a keen look over the blood sugar levels of the individual. At ‘V Dental Hospitals’…

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