Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings
  • Dental fillings are the artificial substances used to fill a cavity caused by decayed, broken or damaged teeth.
  • Once the bacteria attacks the tooth and breaks the enamel, a cavity is formed and when there s a cavity, a filling is needed.
  • Fillings reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth, extend the life of the tooth, and delay the need for additional dental work.
  • Fillings restore the shape and stability of the teeth for ease of chewing and preventing further damage, decay is loss of teeth.
  • Once cavity is fully formed, it is nearly impossible to simply brush and make it go away. If a cavity is not filled, the decay will penetrate the enamel and then keep going deeper to root of the tooth. There is no specific timeline for how quickly a cavity can destroy a tooth.
  • To treat a cavity, Dentist will remove the decayed portion of the tooth and then fill the area on the tooth where the decayed material was removed.

Today several dental fillings are available

  1. Amalgam (Silver Colored)
  2. Composite (Tooth Colored)
  3. Glass Ionomer (Tooth Colored)
  4. Porcelain Inlays (Tooth Colored)
  5. Gold Inlays and Onlays (Gold Colored)
  6. Intermediate Restorative materials


Amalgam is long lasting and hand wearing and has been used in fillings for atleast 150 years. It is safe, affordable, and durable material that is used predominantly on the back chewing teeth.

Amalgam is indicated in individuals of all ages. Amalgam costs less than other materials and over a long period of time holds up better.


Composite fillings are strong and are tooth colored and becoming the most widely accepted material of choice by dentists and patients because of their esthetic qualities and new advances in their strength.

Composites bonds directly to tooth surface and be easily shaped to the anatomy of a tooth.

Types of composites are macro filled, Micro filled and hybrid composites.

Glass Ionomer Materials

Glass ionomer fillings are white fillings which are most natural fillings placed in the mouth. They may also release fluoride, which helps to prevent further tooth decay.

This filling is fairly weak. Because of this, they are usually used on body teeth non biting surfaces such as around the necks of the teeth.

Types of GIC:

  • Luting GIC
  • Restorative
  • Esthetic GIC
  • Reinforced GIC
  • Lining or Base GIC

  Porcelain Inlays

Porcelain Inlays can be hard wearing is long lasting and can also be colored to match natural tooth. This type of fillings is quite expensive.

CAD CAM Digital technology is used to design and prepare inlays which fit perfectly and look incredibly natural.

Gold Inlays & Onlays

These are the most expensive of all dental fillings materials but have the benefit of being the long lasting and hardest wearing material.

Gold doesn’t tarnish and has great strength. Inlays small and placed within the biting surface of the tooth. An onlay can cover a larger area of the tooth.

Intermediate Restorative Materials

This material has been developed to be applied to the dentin prior to the placement of restorative materials.

It applied as lines & bases and indicated in primary teeth.

Miracle Mix

Miracle mix is the reinforced GIC used as core buildup and transitional restoration material, where strong color contrast is preferred.

Made by mixing of silver amalgam alloy powder with type 2 GIC.


                At ‘V’ Dental Hospitals, all the restorative procedures Root Canal treatments etc., were offered with the aim of progressive maintenance of oral health to ‘V’ dental Hospital patients.

            Visit our dental Processionals for counseling’s and discussions about the treatment options available don’t wait until it’s too late.

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