control bed breath

How Do I Get Rid Of Bad Breath Bad breath also called as “Halitosis” Which is usually seen in most of the individuals having imperceptible smell in the exhaled breath. It can be noticed by the individuals or other person involved in a conversation. There are many causes which lead to bad breath, such as food, tobacco products, dry mouth, poor dental hygiene, medications, infections, nose & throat infections, some cancers, GERD. Halitosis cause psychological depression in the public. (Social life of an individual). Prevention: In an individual with halitosis, he\she has to change the life style like brushing after meal, flossing, cleaning tongue and drinking plenty of water. Using mouthwash, gums, and mints helps in fighting against bad breath, but these are temporary measures. Because they don’t treat the underlying cause. The Best advice is to take a look over the dentists who help in eradicating the root cause…

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Fixed Teeth in 3 Days within BASAL IMPLANTS at V Dental Hospital A 52 years female patient had come to “V Dental Hospitals” with some teeth in her mouth. So she is facing lot of problem in chewing food and asks for help to make her comfortable. Dr John (Managing Director) had checked and suggested for X-Rays (OPG and Lab Tests) followed by the treatment planning given by him was “Dental Basal Implants” with Full Mouth Rehabilitation. Treatment had continued as follows. 2. So V Dental Hospitals team of doctors had started the treatment with placement of BASAL IMPLANTS. 3. Finally teeth were delivered within 3 days after placing the BASAL IMPLANTS and patient is happy with her Full Mouth Teeth. 4. After 5 days the whole treatment is completed, the patient is ready to chew food just like a 20 years girl. Credits to Dr. Anita Madugula (Dental implantologist…

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